Foods to Soothe Your Mood

Spotlight On Some Foods That Soothe & Potentially Boost Mood  by TKP Registered Dietitian Toni Toledo Food and mood are so intricately linked that they’ve inspired a new area of brain study called Nutritional Psychiatry, which examines how what we eat impacts how...

The MIND Diet

Spotlight the MIND (… I mean the MIND Diet) by TKP Registered Dietitian Toni Toledo Historically, September meant Back-To-School which meant getting our minds going again – learning and growing and working our brains.  Today, I will share some really good news...
TKP Nutrition Insights- Sodium

TKP Nutrition Insights- Sodium

TKP Nutrition Insights- SODIUM This month we launch a series of newsletter topics related to some of the very important areas of nutrition here at Teen Kitchen Project.   In order to achieve our goal of Building Healthier Communities Through Food — we put a lot...