Let’s Talk About Heart Health  

by TKP’s own Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Toni Toledo!

February marks the annual American Heart Month in the US. The goal is to raise awareness about heart disease and help us learn ways that they can protect our hearts. One in four deaths in the USA is caused by heart disease, so this is a critical issue. Recent research suggests that many lack education about cardiovascular conditions and what can be done to prevent or reduce the risk of heart disease.  This campaign aims to address the lack of awareness by getting us all to think about the small ways in which we can keep our hearts healthy.   I am a firm believer in the cumulative effects of daily behaviors (even small things) that can make a BIG difference.   The good news is that there are so many things we CAN DO to help.  Here are a few of them: 

Be Physically Active.  Consistent movement can reduce our risk of heart disease. Physical activity is a joy-force multiplier in many other ways, too.  Think about how you best enjoy being active and maybe add something new or different to your routine.  You could organize a group walking session or take a new gym class. 

Track Your Heart Health Stats Check your blood pressure and use your smartphone or a wearable tracker to see how well your heart is performing. It is always good to be aware and keep an open conversation with your healthcare provider about heart health.  

Manage Stress, Sleep Better, and Quit Smoking.  Find ways to manage stress in a variety of ways (e.g., exercise, meditate, connect to others), focus on your sleep hygiene and make necessary changes and if you smoke—please stop.  

 FINALLY: Eat Healthier 

Eating well is powerful and can make a huge impact on your heart’s health by focusing on daily.   What does this mean?  Focus on heart-healthy foods like lots of vegetables and fruits. They are great sources of vitamins and minerals and are lower in calories and packed with fiber.  Try to have at least have of your plate be veggies and fruits.  Choose whole grains as they are great sources of fiber and nutrients –they also play a big role in blood pressure.  Focus on healthy fats by limiting saturated and trans fats which can impact your cholesterol levels.  You can trim fat from meat and/or choose leans meats.  Use less butter in cooking and limit/avoid margarine and shortening.  Choose lean protein sources (e.g., chicken and lean cuts of meat) and enjoy fish which can been high in omega-3 fatty acids which can lower blood fats called triglycerides.  Also enjoy legumes (e.g., beans, peas and lentils) which are tasty, lower fat sources of protein.   Enjoy plant proteins like soy or a bean burger—yum!   Stock up your pantry and fridge with lots of heart healthy choices and plan to be sure they get prepared and enjoyed.    

Here, at TKP we incorporate develop our meals in a heart-healthy and diabetes-friendly way.   Therefore, many of the suggestions above are reflected in the meals we serve our clients.   Eating Healthier also means Eating with Great Flavors and Enjoyment We strive for incredible flavors in our client’s meals, and we are proud of what we offer them each week.  There is great power in serving delicious foods that we know are good for the heart (and soul). 

There you have it!  Some basic approaches for a healthy heart.   Take good care and happy Heart Health Month from TKP.